Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roosa to Rose

First read this paragraph then take time to explore the exciting info in the above link. This website describes the Roosa, changed to Rose by our branch in 1800's, family that arrived in New Netherlands in 1660. Everyone from Albert Hymanse Roosa, wife Wyntje De Jongh, son Arie and back is ours. Start at the bottom of the homepage with the link to an introduction of the Roosa family. I have studied sources of historical info outside of this website that validate that Lorraine Luke knows what she is talking about! Dutch ancestors that we share in direct maternal lines include Van Keuren. German ( ancestors we share are Slecht and Traphagen. Ancestors from France ( include Blalnchan, Jorise, Crispell, DuMond. Names that come up in the early settlement of New York state that belong to us are Pels (//  (// and Ostrander. You will see many more of our ancestor surnames when you read the info in the links.

Just for fun search Google Books with any version of the spelling of his name. Our Roosa story has been published in many old books. Our ancestors were amazing people that were written into the history of the state of New York.

The Bonte Koe
Transcription of passenger list of the ship "Spotted Cow"

Very boring stuff but here you can see politics of genetics and genealogy. We are group T.

Our First New Amsterdam Families

These links contain names and information that sets the foundation for knowledge of our ancestors. Allow plenty of time to read each link. As you read your way down this page you will become familiar with our kin, the various spellings of their names and their relationships to each other. You will then find that familiar names leap out at you when reading the books "The History of Kingston" and the "Bontemantel Papers".
  • Aldert Heymanse Roosa and Wintje Ariens DeJongh are the brave souls that, with eight children, boarded ship Bonte Coe and sailed to Wiltwyck, later Esopus, (now Kingston), New Amsterdam (New York) in the year 1660. This link describes the early Roosa/DeJongh family. Aldert was a wealthy "agriculturist" in Herwijnen, Gelderland and I believe he came to New Amsterdam seeking wealth. He is identified in a variety of ways. Elbert Hymans, Allert, Albert Haymansen, Rosa, Roose, Roos, Rose.....
Petrus Stuyvesant
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director of New Netherland, was personally and professionally aware of our fiesty Aldert Heymanse Roosa. The book "The History of Kingston" describes several, mostly unpleasant, interactions between the two. Search for "Esopus Mutiny" within the book to see our hot-headed paternal forefather in action! (Family members are mentioned throughout the book.)

Governor Richard Nicolls described our forefather Roosa as "A Great Incendiary and Dissafected person" I agree! The man was dynamic!!
Mercator Hondius 1630
Read through the above links to understand how the information in the Bontemantel Papers applies to us. This link downloads the New Netherland Bontemantel Papers, a collection of documents of the Dutch West India Company from 1650 to 1660. It will explain specific detail of the business of settling New Netherlands. It names names, pay, jobs, etc.

Finally, to help understand the History of the Netherlands at the time.....lots going on in Europe!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pellston Michigan 1940

1940 Europe was a mess. Germany was busy invading their neighbors and bombing England. Roosevelt was re-elected president and draft registration had begun. Americans got their news via radio and newspapers. Go to this neat website to see and hear interesting detail about the lives of those that are the "Greatest Generation".

At the time of the 1940 census Uncle Earl was one month old. 17 year old Aunt Dory was a newspaper reporter, Uncle Bob was a "laborer" and 62 year old Grandpa Rose worked on a WPA project. Building a runway and terminal building for the Pellston airport was just one of those emergency projects. I am sure the the grown kids with jobs contributed financially to the household fund.....that is just how it was done back then.

Grandma was 39 years old and had a house full of kids to feed. Pop said that she baked her sugar cookies and all of the family bread in the wood burning cook stove. She stored the bread in a crock under a table. Hungry kids came home from school for their lunches and he remembers eating macaroni and cheese....oh, the greenish cheese from Bonter's store was amazing! Pop still craves Grandma's homemade noodles! Monday was laundry day and she scrubbed the wood floor with a brush on her hands and knees.

Rationing would soon effect each American life.....see this link to appreciate what was rationed.

The movie "Sun Valley Serenade" came out in 1941 but the song "In The Mood" hit number one on the charts in 1940. Click the play button to hear the Glen Miller Band.

I love this movie! My oldest daughter was born in the dead of winter in the hospital at the Sun Valley Lodge. We were the only patients. My husband worked for the Sun Valley Co., grooming ski trails with the Sno-Cat in the winter and maintaining the golf course in the summer. What a beautiful place to live!

Go here to see old pics of Pellston, Michigan!

Wander around in this next website where I found many old Northern Michigan pics.

1930's Pellston Fire Department

Anyone recognize any of these guys? This photo is currently listed for sale on Ebay. Pop did not think Pellston's little volunteer Fire Department was quite this well equipped. If anyone can verify that this is the Pellston FD I will buy it!

Calvin Gillett

born 18 Aug 1872
died 20 Jan 1941 Pellston, Emmet, Michigan

Our Gillett's were on the move! I enjoy learning the history of the localities to understand what drew people to it. Lumber? Homestead farming? Railroad jobs? Think about what they had available for transportation. Read about plank roads here.

My great grandpa Calvin Gillett was born 1872 in Cass County Michigan. This link provides information on his marriage to Bessie Schrader

Who knew Isabella had a sister that died at age of 3? How heartbreaking!

New doctor O'Brien came to Pellston Michigan and worked on improving the sanitation of the village. I thought the "History of Michigan" was some interesting reading. Smallpox epidemic in Pellston, and more. They loved their politics!

Here is the 1900 census depicting his family

This is the 1910 census.

1920 census

1930 census

This is information on Calvin Sr's death. Pop remembered that his grandpa smoked a pipe and that he had a spot that might have been cancer on his lip. This document reports that Calvin was born in Paw Paw, Michigan

1940 census...use the tools when you get there to zoom in and move page around

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Gillett - Cadwell Family

Farmers Delivering Goods to Railroad in Paw Paw, MI
The early Michigan Gillett family were farmers. Isabella's grandfather is William Gillett. William's father moved from New York state to "Canada West", now province of Ontario, for about 10 years. William Gillett was born in 1848 in Oxford county and what is now known as the province of Ontario, Canada.

William Gillett married Maria Cadwell (born 1850) on February 23, 1866 in Van Buren County. I believe this is her Cadwell family. Father Calvin Cadwell was also listed in the 1840 Van Buren County census.

Scroll down in this link to see birth records for 2 of Calvin Gillett's sisters.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Isabella Gillett and Family

I know I started way out there with the Gillett family. There is so much information online and I wanted to illustrate where we can go with this genealogy hobby of mine! I attempt to verify private individuals' posted information by cross checking it with legal, gov't and business documents whenever available. The name like Gillett is spelled many ways, as evidenced in my last post. Being aware of that fact helps in performing Google searches and identifying who belongs to us. Census takers and county clerks often seem to write the name as they hear it pronounced.
LeRoy and Isabella Gillett-Rose

My paternal grandma is Isabella Gillett. Born Nov 25, 1901 in Ensley, Newaygo Township, Michigan to Calvin Gillett and Bessie Schrader. She died May 29 1987 in Petoskey, Emmet County, Michigan. In 1910 she is 6 years old and here she is with her family.

This is a link to another's genealogy program. It describes the Leroy and Isabella Rose family.

This is Calvin Gillett, Isabella's father, at the age of 7 and living with his family in the 1880 census.